
Selasa, 30 Disember 2008

Kebiadaban Israel, Sekadar Dikecamkah?-Malaysiakini

sedutan daripada Ruangan Rencana Laman Suara Merdeka

Sekadar dikecamkah kebiadaban Israel yang baru saja membombardir Jalur Gaza, dan membunuh lebih dari 300 warga Palestina? Seperti biasa, kecaman dunia tak dihiraukan. Kebrutalan berlangsung sebagai ”tontonan tragedi kemanusiaan tanpa dunia bisa berbuat apa-apa”. Pejabat Negeri Yahudi itu mengakui, sekitar 110 bom berbobot hampir 50 ton diluncurkan oleh jet-jet tempur dari langit Gaza. Sasarannya bukan hanya markas dan gudang senjata kelompok Hamas, tetapi juga berbagai fasilitas sipil Palestina. Rumah sakit, sekolah-sekolah, masjid terbesar Al Shifa, gereja, dan televisi Al Aqsa hancur.

Tragedi Gaza kali ini merupakan yang terburuk dengan korban tewas terbanyak dalam serangan satu hari Israel ke Palestina sejak kawasan itu dicaplok pada 1967. Ironisnya, dan seperti sengaja mengobarkan tantangan kepada dunia, serangan tersebut bertepatan dengan momentum datangnya Tahun Baru 1430 Hijriyah. Tank-tank Israel juga bergerak bersama sekitar 6.000 tentara cadangan yang dimobilisasi ke perbatasan untuk menindaklanjuti serangan udara dengan penyerbuan darat. Di pihak Palestina, pemimpin Hamas Ismail Haniya menyatakan para pejuangnya tidak akan mundur sejengkal pun.

Pemerintah Indonesia, seperti para pemimpin dunia lainnya, mengutuk kebrutalan tersebut. Dunia menyerukan dihentikannya kekejian itu, yang dianggap tidak bertanggung jawab dan melanggar ketentuan-ketentuan hukum internasional termasuk Konvensi Jenewa. Kiranya kita juga perlu bergerak lebih keras dengan memanfaatkan posisi sebagai anggota Dewan Keamanan Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa (DK PBB) untuk menggugat problem serius internasional itu. Kita sudah bisa menggambarkan reaksi kekuatan-kekuatan utama dunia, karena mudah diduga, Amerika Serikat selalu bersikap dari sudut pandang Israel.

Ketika masyarakat dunia mengutuk, Amerika justru mendesak Hamas untuk menghentikan serangan-serangan roket ke Israel jika menghendaki konflik itu berakhir. Substansi pernyataan dari Gedung Putih berkebalikan dari opini arus utama internasional, yakni bahwa Hamas harus mengakhiri terornya jika ingin berperan dalam masa depan Palestina. Pernyataan tersebut malah berbobot sebagai ”restu” agresi ketimbang penyelesaian. Jadi, perubahan apa pun dalam kepemimpinan di negeri adidaya itu, rasanya memang sulit mengharapkan objektivitas dalam bersikap mengenai konflik Palestina - Israel.

Jika jalan kekerasan yang dipilih Hamas dipandang sebagai aksi teror, bukankah langkah-langkah Israel selama ini merupakan perwujudan nyata ”terorisme negara” yang nyaris tidak pernah tersentuh oleh kecaman, dan apalagi tindakan resolusi dari PBB sebagai lembaga internasional tertinggi? Apakah realitas ideologi merupakan landasan berpikir utama Amerika dan negara-negara Barat, walaupun selalu diopinikan bahwa sumbu dan akar konflik Timur Tengah itu bukan konflik agama tetapi berlatar belakang politik? Kesan Palestina sebagai komoditas performa politik Amerika pun makin sulit terhindarkan!

Muncul dugaan agresi tersebut bermotif dagangan politik dalam negeri Israel, yakni sebagai tindakan menarik simpati publik yang tengah menghadapi pemilu legislatif. Kekuatan ultrakonservatif sedang berusaha untuk meyakinkan rakyat walaupun memilih cara yang sangat biadab. Secara internasional, muncul analisis tindakan itu merupakan ”pesan” ketidakyakinan Israel kepada presiden AS terpilih Barrack Obama yang dikhawatirkan bakal bersimpati kepada Palestina. Namun, apa pun, yang terjadi adalah kebiadaban, dan kali ini dunia Arab mesti bersatu suara dengan masyarakat antarabangsa yang berakal sihat!

2 ulasan:

CWI MALAYSIA berkata...

The only way to bring real, lasting justice, peace and prosperity to Palestinians and to all the peoples of the region is through common mass struggle against oppression and the pro-capitalist, corrupt regimes. The overthrow of capitalism and landlordism and the creation of a genuine socialist society – putting people before profit and ending poverty – would see real collaboration between all working people of the region, pooling together all the rich resources for the benefit of the many and bringing about real self-determination for the oppressed.

bn haramjadah berkata...

Saya membaca ini dari ulasan satu blog, apakah ulasan peibadi tuan mengenai catatan ini.(saya copy/paste)

'Let’s get something straight, Israel is a legitimate country which was founded on chaos and fought and won for by the Jewish people, Israel was recognized by the UN, whether you like it or not, to the victors go the spoils of war, that is how the world works, to call Israel an occupied land is Fallacy, a propaganda statement. If Israel is a illegal state as stated by the Arab countries from the middle east and other misguided nations, than by the same reasoning than the whole of the middle east countries are illegal states, being lands stolen from the Turkish Ottoman empire from whom theses lands were stolen from by the British led and sponsored wars of the Bedouin tribes of the region. So the reality of the situation of “possession is 9/10 of the law” holds water for the jewish people and the palestinian peoples’ claim of it being an occupied land doesn’t hold water. Folks you lost the wars even after numerous attempts, so live with it.
So all these pathetic crying and moaning of poor Palestinians being killed is the fault of the people the choose to rule them, They voted in Hamas, a terrorist organization same as Hezbollah, being sponsored by IRAN. So when your ruling govt., goes and starts shooting rockets into a neighboring country well folks you are just looking for trouble, every action has a reaction, to cry now of Israel’s aggression is sheer stupidity.
Why is it the muslims don’t condemn and blame all these terrorist organizations, Why is it people support blindly, is it because you read the same Holy book so that means you are self righteous, so there are no murderers, crooks, rapists because they are Ummah, might as well free all those muslim convicts in our malaysian jails because they are ummah. Why do muslims complain that they are perseived as terrorists and murderers, who are the majority of suicide bombers, who blew up trains and busses in britain, the train bombings in spain,It is all an excuse, by using the excuse of israel, why go and blow up innocent people who are apolitical. you want to stop the bombers, stop supporting terrorists, simple, the moment the funding and donations freeze or finish off there will be no more money to make bombs, these people are anarchists , who are abusing Islam, and USING ISLAM as a unifying excuse. we recently had a Malaysian women killed in the Mumbai muslim terrorist attacks, we only got lip service, from the muslims in Malaysia, were there protests by UMNO AND PAS AND ALL THOSE UMMAHS at the Pakistan embassy, why the hypocracy? please understand this you push and push someday something has to give, If all the non muslim nations in the world turn around and say please keep your religion and don’t bother us anymore, don’t do trade with us and keep your oil, we will buy our oil from Russia, all muslims are persona non grata in all western nations. I am just waiting for the day when we see a mushroom cloud on the horizon and maybe a biological weapon’s attack, do you want to see nuclear devises raining down on the middle east, Mecca, Pakistan, don’t forget the biggest poppy growers in the world are muslims in AFGANISTAN, If you want chaos your wish may just come true. I think the time has come for muslims, to open their eyes and smell the coffee, they get very offended on perceived insults on their Religion but turn a blind eye to murder mayhem and chaos in fact even condoning it, what about the insult to all the intelligance of the rest of human kind on all the bombings. I think the wish of the muslims may just come true, if they cross the line, sept 11 was one where they went too far, now reap what you have sown, cry for the dead muslims, innocents dying everyday for the deeds of fanatics.
Genghis khan'